The Qualys source adapter has the following values in addition to the core source adapter values ( ref Source Adapters) which either use default values or are set in a .json file for that adapter:
ReportFolder: Folder path to the physical xml report files that contain the source data
ReportDateFormat: The format of the date string used in the xml report file name. Default: “yyyyMMddHHmmss”. Example: SampleTitle-20211102095822.xml
ReportDateRegex: This Regex is used to extract the date from the file name to determine the specific file’s date. The date is used for file retention. Default: “([0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2})”
CheckReportsAPI: When set to true, the reports will be pulled from the API based on an offset of days (APIReportsOffsetDays). Default: false
RetentionDays: The number of days to keep the xml report files. If files are equal to or older than the specified number (in days), they will be automatically deleted from the report folder. Default: 8 (days)
APIReportsOffsetDays: Number of days used to determine if new reports should be pulled from the API (CheckReportsAPI). When report launch dates are greater than this value (in days), then the reports are pulled. Default: 0
ReportDelay: A delay in milliseconds for pulling reports from API. Default: 5000